Want to get your teen talking and calm by dinner?

(And, let’s be honest - that means a calm you too!)

I got you! I get results in just ONE session using the questions in this FREE resource!

I help anxious teens stand up for themselves without worrying about being wrong.

I remember being a teen girl. A young women.

It. Was. hard.

I had low self-esteem, wore my emotions on my sleeve. The slightest little thing would send me into a stress spiral (you know, sweaty palms, mind racing). And that was without social media!

All of that affected my relationships.

I was a hot mess to say the least. But I put the work into bettering myself and here I am!

Now I want to equip teens to do the same. Learn my lessons, but so much earlier and with some guidance.

Let’s face it. Teenagers need voices outside of their parents speaking into their life. Someone unbiased. That’s me!

Here’s what the moms are saying after their teen works with me:

  • My daughter is a better advocate for herself and can manage her emotions better because she learned how to take a step back and evaluate her situation or challenge more clearly.

    -Mom of a Teen Client

  • She's more confident in what she likes and doesn't give up on that just because her friends don't share the same interest.

    -Lindsay, Mom of a Teen Client

  • Her communication and openness with us, especially dad, has really been present. And I feel that she knows now that it is ok to talk to us about the big stuff. She has been more chatty and she has expressed to me that she feels her anxiety has improved some. Overall she just seems brighter.

    Stepmom of Teen Client

How do I know if this is right for my teen?

Coaching is for your teen if they:

  • Put a lot of pressure on themselves to be perfect and it stresses her out.

  • Are afraid to make the wrong choice, so they just don’t make one at all.

  • Always feel the need to go above in beyond.

  • Struggle to manage of all of the things they are trying to do.

You want your teen to:

  • Be comfortable having difficult conversations and not check out.

  • Know you are a safe place so you know EXACTLY what’s going on with them and can stop going to worst-case scenarios.

  • Clean their room. Every parent I talk to says they want this! Check out what this mom had to say about her daughter’s clean room: “Literally every single morning for the past 3 weeks. You have no idea how huge this is. Her room is neat, her bed is made, I am crying. Thank you 💗”

My teen has been to a counselor before and it didn’t work. Will this be different?

Many of my clients have worked with a counselors prior to working with me, or at the same time. Each client made progress and found success with me when they did not with their counselor. I am great at connecting with teens and making them feel safe so they can open up. What they were mainly getting in therapy was talking about their anxiety. Teens want action, so that’s exactly what we do! And through that action, they learn to stand up for themselves, share what is on their mind and regain a sense of control over their lives that had been lost.

Here’s what some parents and clients had to say about working with me:

“My daughter was worried that she wouldn’t connect with you because she had trouble connecting with her other therapist. This was not the case and was so much easier than expected. She felt safe with you and was excited for her appointments with you.” - Lindsay, mom of a teen client

“She needed to talk things through, but didn’t need traditional therapy. She said, “What if she’s weird?!” But that definitely wasn’t the case :)” - Mom of a teen client

During our Discovery Call, I will tell you if I think I can help your teen or not. If we start meeting and I find they need counseling, I will let you know that too and release you from the contract. I have some fantastic counselors I can recommend.


“I needed help with learning how to stand up for myself,

and to place myself in an environment I could grow in. I had tried several things, but the main one was keep trying the same thing over and over again hoping for a different result. It never worked, and I always felt depressed or hopeless…

I have learned to enjoy life more.”

-Teen Client



If, after 3 sessions, you are not satisfied with the progress that’s been made and your teen has done the work, simply let me know and you will receive all of your money back!